National Gratitude Month in November encourages us to embrace the power of gratitude.

Gratitude is more than simply saying “thank you.” Gratitude’s amazing powers have the ability to shift us from focusing on the negative to appreciating what is positive in our lives. Practicing daily gratitude gives us a deeper connection to ourselves, the world around us, and to our Creator.

Everything in our lives has the ability to improve when we are grateful. Research has shown that gratitude can enhance our moods, decrease stress, and drastically improve our overall level of health and wellbeing. On average, grateful people tend to have fewer stress-related illnesses and experience less depression and lowered blood pressure, they are more physically fit, they are happier, have a higher income, more satisfying personal and professional relationships, and will be better liked. Grateful kids are even more likely to get A’s in school.

If everyone practiced daily gratitude, we could change ourselves and the planet for the better.  Everyone would be much happier. Love would grow and hate would decrease. And the world would know true peace.

What are you waiting for? Give gratitude a try!  You’ll be happier you did.

To participate in the FREE 30 Day Global Gratitude Experiment, go to

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HOW TO OBSERVE #NationalGratitudeMonth

Celebrating the month can be done in several ways.

  • Start a gratitude journal. Write about someone or something you’re thankful for every day. You’ll find your appreciation for those around you grows deeper and fonder the longer you keep it. When you read back on what you’ve written, you’ll be able to reflect on the relationships and their accomplishments.
  • Try this Gratitude playlist too.
  • Share your gratitude with others. Letting someone know you’re grateful for their care, service, or friendship often lifts their spirits or lifts a burden.
  • Show your appreciation by giving back to your community, neighborhood, or favorite organization.

Use #NationalGratitudeMonth to post on social media.